Last modified: 2023-07-15

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This file contains the camera parameters and configurations used in the RoboX vision system.


Enum to define the source of depth information

class DepthSource(enum.IntEnum):
    STEREO = 0  # Depth from stereo vision
    PNP = 1     # Depth from Perspective-n-Point algorithm

Dictionary containing camera parameters for different camera models

camera_params = {
    'Generic Webcam': {
        'frame_rate': 30,
        'exposure': {'red': 45.0, 'blue': 20.0},
        'capture_res': (1280, 720),
        'depth_source': DepthSource.PNP,
        'fov': (90,65)
    'Intel RealSense D435I': {
        'frame_rate': 30,
        'exposure': {'red': 15.0, 'blue': 35.0},
        'fov': (69, 42),
        'capture_res': (960, 540),
        'depth_source': DepthSource.STEREO
    'Intel RealSense D455': {
        'frame_rate': 30,
        'exposure': {'red': 45.0, 'blue': 20.0},
        'capture_res': (1280, 720),
        'depth_source': DepthSource.STEREO,
        'fov': (90, 65),
        'cx': 643.077674664939,
        'cy': 357.730289611374,
        'fx': 645.455984328821,
        'fy': 644.606305889468,
        'k1': -0.0557535647706463,
        'k2': 0.0538700601952326,
        'p1': -0.000454149012521474,
        'p2': 0.00119677524381670,
        'k3': 0.0

    'HIK MV-CS016-10UC(B)-ipad': {

Note: all of HIK camera's params (and units) are adjustable in the MVS platform

        'frame_rate': 249,
        'exposure': {'red': 4000.0, 'blue': 5000.0},
        'capture_res': (1280, 720),
        'depth_source': DepthSource.PNP,
        'fov': (48.33, 30),
        'cx': 687.434,
        'cy': 571.391,
        'fx': 2414.2,
        'fy': 2414.3,
        'k1': -0.0307,
        'k2': 0.1194,
        'p1': 0.0,
        'p2': 0.0,
        'k3': 0.0
    'HIK MV-CS016-10UC(A)_1': {

Note: all of HIK camera's params (and units) are adjustable in the MVS platform

        'frame_rate': 249,
        'exposure': {'red': 4000.0, 'blue': 5000.0},
        'capture_res': (1280, 720),
        'depth_source': DepthSource.PNP,
        'fov': (48.33, 30),
        'cx': 752.736,
        'cy': 580.63,
        'fx': 2360.1,
        'fy': 2360.9,
        'k1': -0.0262,
        'k2': 0.1237,
        'p1': 0.0,
        'p2': 0.0,
        'k3': 0.0
    'HIK MV-CS016-10UC(A)_ipad': {

Note: all of HIK camera's params (and units) are adjustable in the MVS platform

        'frame_rate': 249,
        'exposure': {'red': 4000.0, 'blue': 5000.0},
        'capture_res': (1280, 720),
        'depth_source': DepthSource.PNP,
        'fov': (48.33, 30),
        'cx': 752.678,
        'cy': 566.916,
        'fx': 2428.8,
        'fy': 2428.2,
        'k1': 0.0007347,
        'k2': 0.0733,
        'p1': 0.0,
        'p2': 0.0,
        'k3': 0.0
    'HIK MV-CS016-10UC General': {

Note: all of HIK camera's params (and units) are adjustable in the MVS platform

        'frame_rate': 249,
        'exposure': {'red': 4000.0, 'blue': 5000.0},
        'capture_res': (1440, 1080),
        'depth_source': DepthSource.PNP,
        'fov': (48.33, 30),
        'cx': 640,
        'cy': 360,
        'fx': 3028.8,
        'fy': 3028.2,
        'k1': 0.0007347,
        'k2': 0.0733,
        'p1': 0.0,
        'p2': 0.0,
        'k3': 0.0

Iterate through each camera in the camera_params dictionary

for cam_name, param_dict in camera_params.items():
    if 'cx' not in param_dict:

If camera matrix parameters are not provided, calculate them using naive approach

            'cx': param_dict['capture_res'][0] / 2,  # Principal point x-coordinate
            'cy': param_dict['capture_res'][1] / 2,  # Principal point y-coordinate
            'fx': (param_dict['capture_res'][0] / 2) / math.tan((param_dict['fov'][0] / 2) * math.pi / 180.0),  # Focal length x
            'fy': (param_dict['capture_res'][1] / 2) / math.tan((param_dict['fov'][1] / 2) * math.pi / 180.0),  # Focal length y
            'k1': 0.0,  # Radial distortion coefficient 1
            'k2': 0.0,  # Radial distortion coefficient 2
            'p1': 0.0,  # Tangential distortion coefficient 1
            'p2': 0.0,  # Tangential distortion coefficient 2
            'k3': 0.0   # Radial distortion coefficient 3

Create camera matrix

    param_dict['camera_matrix'] = [[param_dict['fx'], 0, param_dict['cx']],
                                   [0, param_dict['fy'], param_dict['cy']],
                                   [0, 0, 1]]

Create distortion coefficients array

    param_dict['distort_coeffs'] = [param_dict['k1'], param_dict['k2'],
                                    param_dict['p1'], param_dict['p2'],

Set default camera offset if not provided

    if 'camera_offset' not in param_dict:
        param_dict['camera_offset'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]