Last modified: Sep 8, 2024

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This is the main file of the RoboX computer vision system. It's responsible for detecting armor plates on enemy robots and calculating their positions.

Main Flow Diagram

Main Flow Diagram

Import necessary libraries

import enum
import math
import pathlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
import cv2
import numpy as np
import serial
from UART_UTIL import send_data, get_imu
from camera_source import CameraSource
from kinematic_prediction import poly_predict
import argparse
import logging
import time
from camera_params import camera_params, DepthSource
from Target import Target
import struct

Global variables

active_cam_config = None  # Stores the active camera configuration
frame_aligner = None  # Used for frame alignment (if needed)

Placeholder function for OpenCV trackbars

def nothing(x):

Enum class for target colors

class TargetColor(enum.Enum):
    RED = 'red'
    BLUE = 'blue'

Class to store and manage computer vision parameters

class CVParams:
    def __init__(self, target_color: TargetColor):
        self.target_color = target_color

Set parameters based on target color

        if target_color == TargetColor.RED:

HSV range for red color

            self.hue_min, self.hue_min_range = 4, (0, 180, 1)
            self.hue_max, self.hue_max_range = 30, (0, 180, 1)
            self.saturation_min, self.saturation_min_range = 218, (0, 255, 1)
            self.value_min, self.value_min_range = 111, (0, 255, 1)

Morphological operation sizes for red targets

            self.close_size = 1
            self.erode_size = 1
            self.dilate_size = 5

HSV range for blue color

            self.hue_min, self.hue_min_range = 90, (0, 180, 1)
            self.hue_max, self.hue_max_range = 120, (0, 180, 1)
            self.saturation_min, self.saturation_min_range = 20, (0, 255, 1)
            self.value_min, self.value_min_range = 128, (0, 255, 1)

Morphological operation sizes for blue targets

            self.close_size = 3
            self.erode_size = 2
            self.dilate_size = 2

Range for morphological operation sizes

        self.close_size_range = self.erode_size_range = self.dilate_size_range = (1, 20, 1)

Parameters for detecting armor plates

        self.bar_aspect_ratio_min = 1.1  # Minimum aspect ratio of light bars
        self.bar_aspect_ratio_max = 13.0  # Maximum aspect ratio of light bars
        self.bar_z_angle_max = 20.0  # Maximum allowed angle deviation from vertical
        self.relative_x_delta_max = 3.0  # Maximum allowed horizontal distance between light bars
        self.relative_y_delta_max = 3.0  # Maximum allowed vertical distance between light bars
        self.relative_height_diff_max = 0.5  # Maximum allowed height difference between light bars
        self.z_delta_max = 10.0  # Maximum allowed depth difference between light bars

Function to create OpenCV trackbars for parameter tuning

def createTrackbarsForParams(window_name: str, params: CVParams):
    for key, value in params.__dict__.items():
        if not key.endswith('_range') and type(value) in [int, float]:
            if hasattr(params, key + '_range'):
                slider_min, slider_max, scaling = getattr(params, key + '_range')
                slider_min = 10 ** math.floor(math.log10(value))
                slider_max = 10 * slider_min
                scaling = 0.01
            cv2.createTrackbar(key, window_name, int(slider_min / scaling), int(slider_max / scaling), nothing)
            cv2.setTrackbarPos(key, window_name, int(value / scaling))

Morphological operations for image processing

def open_binary(binary, x, y):
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (x, y))
    return cv2.morphologyEx(binary, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)

def close_binary(binary, x, y):
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (x, y))
    return cv2.morphologyEx(binary, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)

def erode_binary(binary, x, y):
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (x, y))
    return cv2.erode(binary, kernel)

def dilate_binary(binary, x, y):
    kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (x, y))
    return cv2.dilate(binary, kernel)

Main image processing function

def read_morphology(cap, config: CVParams):
    frame = cap

Convert frame to HSV color space

    H, S, V = cv2.split(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV))

Create binary mask based on HSV thresholds

    mask_processed = ((H >= config.hue_min) & (H <= config.hue_max) & 
                      (S >= config.saturation_min) & (V >= config.value_min)).astype(np.uint8) * 255

Apply morphological operations to clean up the binary image

    dst_close = close_binary(mask_processed, config.close_size, config.close_size)
    dst_erode = erode_binary(dst_close, config.erode_size, config.erode_size)
    dst_dilate = dilate_binary(dst_erode, config.dilate_size, config.dilate_size)
    return dst_dilate, frame

Convert spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates

def spherical_to_cartesian(yaw: float, pitch: float, depth: float):
    phi = math.radians(90.0 - pitch)
    theta = math.radians(yaw)
    return depth * np.array([math.sin(phi) * math.cos(theta), math.sin(phi) * math.sin(theta), math.cos(phi)])

Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates

def cartesian_to_spherical(coords: np.ndarray):
    return (math.degrees(math.atan2(coords[1], coords[0])),
            90.0 - math.degrees(math.atan2(math.sqrt(coords[0] ** 2 + coords[1] ** 2), coords[2])),

Convert rotation matrix to Euler angles

def rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(R):
    sy = np.sqrt(R[0,0] * R[0,0] +  R[1,0] * R[1,0])
    singular = sy < 1e-6
    if not singular:
        x = np.arctan2(R[2,1], R[2,2])
        y = np.arctan2(-R[2,0], sy)
        z = np.arctan2(R[1,0], R[0,0])
        x = np.arctan2(-R[1,2], R[1,1])
        y = np.arctan2(-R[2,0], sy)
        z = 0
    return np.array([x, y, z])

Calculate 3D target location from image points

def get_3d_target_location(imgPoints, frame, depth_frame):

Retrieve camera matrix and distortion coefficients

    camera_matrix, distort_coeffs = np.array(active_cam_config['camera_matrix'], dtype=np.float64), \
        np.array(active_cam_config['distort_coeffs'], dtype=np.float64)

Undistort image points

    imgPoints = cv2.undistortPoints(imgPoints, camera_matrix, distort_coeffs, P=camera_matrix)[:, 0, :]

Calculate center point of image points

    center_point = np.average(imgPoints, axis=0)

Calculate offset from camera's optical center

    center_offset = center_point - np.array([active_cam_config['cx'], active_cam_config['cy']])
    center_offset[1] = -center_offset[1]

Convert offset to angular measurements

    angles = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(center_offset, np.array([active_cam_config['fx'], active_cam_config['fy']])))

Calculate depth based on depth source

    if active_cam_config['depth_source'] == DepthSource.PNP:

Define object dimensions for PnP

        width_size_half = 70
        height_size_half = 62.5

Define object points in real world coordinates

        objPoints = np.array([[-width_size_half, -height_size_half, 0],
                              [width_size_half, -height_size_half, 0],
                              [width_size_half, height_size_half, 0],
                              [-width_size_half, height_size_half, 0]], dtype=np.float64)

Solve PnP to get object pose

        retval, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(objPoints, imgPoints, camera_matrix, distort_coeffs, flags=cv2.SOLVEPNP_IPPE)

Calculate depth, yaw, and pitch

        meanDVal = np.linalg.norm(tvec[:, 0])
        offsetY = 1
        Yaw = np.arctan(tvec[(0,0)]/ tvec[(2,0)]) / 2 / 3.1415926535897932 * 360 - offsetY
        offsetP = -8
        Pitch = -(np.arctan(tvec[(1, 0)] / tvec[(2, 0)]) / 2 / 3.1415926535897932 * 360) - offsetP

    elif active_cam_config['depth_source'] == DepthSource.STEREO:

Create mask from image points for stereo depth calculation

        panel_mask = np.zeros(frame.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8)
        cv2.drawContours(panel_mask, [imgPoints.astype(np.int64)], -1, 1, thickness=cv2.FILLED)
        panel_mask_scaled = cv2.resize(panel_mask, (depth_frame.shape[1], depth_frame.shape[0]))

Calculate mean depth within masked area

        meanDVal, _ = cv2.meanStdDev(depth_frame, mask=panel_mask_scaled)
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid depth source in camera config')

Return target information

    target_Dict = {"depth": meanDVal, "Yaw": Yaw, "Pitch": Pitch, "imgPoints": imgPoints}
    return target_Dict

Class to represent a rectangular region in an image

class ImageRect:
    points: np.ndarray

    def center(self):
        return np.average(self.points, axis=0)

    def width_vec(self):
        return np.average(self.points[2:, :], axis=0) - np.average(self.points[:2, :], axis=0)

    def width(self):
        return np.linalg.norm(self.width_vec)

    def height_vec(self):
        return np.average(self.points[(0, 3), :], axis=0) - np.average(self.points[(1, 2), :], axis=0)

    def height(self):
        return np.linalg.norm(self.height_vec)

    def angle(self):
        return 90.0 - np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(self.height_vec[1], self.height_vec[0]))

Find contours and perform main screening

def find_contours(config: CVParams, binary, frame, depth_frame, fps):
    global num
    contours, heriachy = cv2.findContours(binary, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    first_data = []  # Potential light bars
    second_data = []  # Paired light bars
    potential_Targets = []  # Potential armor plates

    if len(contours) > 0:

Process each contour

        for contour in contours:
            area = cv2.contourArea(contour)
            if area < 5:  # Ignore small contours

            rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contour)
            coor = cv2.boxPoints(rect).astype(np.int32)
            rect_param = findVerticesOrder(coor)
            rect = ImageRect(rect_param)

Draw circles for debugging

  , rect.points[0], 9, (255, 255, 255), -1)
  , rect.points[1], 9, (0, 255, 0), -1)
  , rect.points[2], 9, (255, 255, 0), -1)
  , rect.points[3], 9, (0, 100, 250), -1)

Filter rectangles based on aspect ratio and angle

            aspect_ratio = rect.height / rect.width
            if (config.bar_aspect_ratio_min <= aspect_ratio <= config.bar_aspect_ratio_max) and \
               (-config.bar_z_angle_max <= rect.angle <= config.bar_z_angle_max):
                box = np.int0(coor)
                cv2.drawContours(frame, [box], -1, (255, 0, 0), 3)

Pair light bars to form potential armor plates

        for i in range(len(first_data)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(first_data)):
                c, n = first_data[i], first_data[j]
                if (abs([1] -[1]) <= config.relative_y_delta_max * ((c.height + n.height) / 2)) and \
                   (abs(c.height - n.height) <= config.relative_height_diff_max * max(c.height, n.height)) and \
                   (abs([0] -[0]) <= config.relative_x_delta_max * ((c.height + n.height) / 2)) and \
                   (abs(c.angle - n.angle) < config.z_delta_max):
                    second_data.append((c, n))

Process paired light bars

        for r1, r2 in second_data:
            if abs(r1.points[0][1] - r2.points[2][1]) <= 3 * (abs(r1.points[0][0] - r2.points[2][0])):
                left_bar, right_bar = (r1, r2) if r1.points[3][0] <= r2.points[3][0] else (r2, r1)
                left_side_vec = (left_bar.points[0] - left_bar.points[1]) / 2
                right_side_vec = (left_bar.points[3] - left_bar.points[2]) / 2

                imgPoints = np.array([
                    left_bar.points[0] + left_side_vec,
                    left_bar.points[1] - left_side_vec,
                    right_bar.points[2] - right_side_vec,
            nextRect = i + 1
            while nextRect < len(first_data):
                c = first_data[i]
                n = first_data[nextRect]
                if (abs([1] -[1]) <= config.relative_y_delta_max * ((c.height + n.height) / 2)) \
                        and (abs(c.height - n.height) <= config.relative_height_diff_max * max(c.height, n.height)) \
                        and (abs([0] -[0]) <= config.relative_x_delta_max * ((c.height + n.height) / 2)) \
                        and (abs(c.angle - n.angle)) < config.z_delta_max:
                    second_data.append((first_data[i], first_data[nextRect]))

                nextRect = nextRect + 1
        for r1, r2 in second_data:  # find vertices for each

if find potential bounded lightbar formed targets

            if abs(r1.points[0][1] - r2.points[2][1]) <= 3 * (abs(r1.points[0][0] - r2.points[2][0])):
                left_bar, right_bar = (
                    r1, r2) if r1.points[3][0] <= r2.points[3][0] else (r2, r1)
                left_side_vec = (left_bar.points[0] - left_bar.points[1]) / 2
                right_side_vec = (left_bar.points[3] - left_bar.points[2]) / 2

                '''Prepare rect 4 vertices array and then pass it to (1) solve_Angle455's argument (2) number detection'''
                imgPoints = np.array(
                    [left_bar.points[0] + left_side_vec, left_bar.points[1] - left_side_vec,
                     right_bar.points[2] - right_side_vec, right_bar.points[3] + right_side_vec],
                target_Dict = get_3d_target_location(
                    imgPoints, frame, depth_frame)

                target = Target(target_Dict)

                if debug:
                    '''collecting data set at below'''
                    armboard_width = 27
                    armboard_height = 25

                    coordinate_before = np.float32(imgPoints)

coordinate_after is in the order of imgPoints (bl,tl,tr,br)

                    coordinate_after = np.float32([[0, armboard_height], [0, 0], [armboard_width, 0],
                                                   [armboard_width, armboard_height]])

Compute the transformation matrix

                    trans_mat = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(
                        coordinate_before, coordinate_after)

Perform transformation and show the result

                    trans_img = cv2.warpPerspective(
                        frame, trans_mat, (armboard_width, armboard_height))

                    trans_img = np.array(
                        255 * (trans_img / 255) ** 0.5, dtype='uint8')

Zero light bar effect on image edges

Define the number of pixel zeroed

                    vertical_pixel = 2
                    horizontal_pixel = 4
                    for row in range(armboard_height):
                        for col in range(armboard_width):
                            if (row < vertical_pixel or row > armboard_height - vertical_pixel - 1) \
                                    or (col < horizontal_pixel or col > armboard_width - horizontal_pixel - 1):
                                trans_img[row, col] = 0

                    cv2.imshow("trans_img", trans_img)
                    cv2.resizeWindow("trans_img", 180, 180)

Convert to grayscale image

                    gray_img = cv2.cvtColor(trans_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
                    cv2.imshow("dila_img", gray_img)

                num += 1
                cv2.putText(frame, "Potentials:", (int(imgPoints[2][0]), int(imgPoints[2][1]) - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
                            0.5, [255, 255, 255])
                center = np.average(imgPoints, axis=0).astype(np.int32)

draw the center of the detected armor board

      , center, 2, (0, 0, 255), -1)

        return potential_Targets

def targetsFilter(potential_Targetsets, frame, last_target_x):

if only one target, return it directly

    if len(potential_Targetsets) == 1:
        return potential_Targetsets[0] # the only target class object
    target with Number & greatest credits wins in filter process
    Credit Consideration: Area, Depth, Pitch, Yaw
    Credit Scale: 1 - 3
    max_Credit = 0
    best_Target = []  # order: [depth, Yaw, Pitch, imgpoints]
    all_distance_diff = []  # every target's x-axis distance between last target

if the target from last frame exists, filter out the closest one to keep tracking on the same target

    if last_target_x != None:
        for target in potential_Targetsets:
            imgPoints = target.imgPoints

current target's x-axis in a 1280*720 frame

            curr_target_x = imgPoints[0][0] + \
                (imgPoints[2][0] - imgPoints[0][0]) / 2

            all_distance_diff.append(abs(curr_target_x - last_target_x))
        sort_index = np.argsort(all_distance_diff)  # order: small to large
        closest_target = potential_Targetsets[sort_index[0]]
        return closest_target

if the target from last frame doesn't exist, filter out the best one based on credits

    for target in potential_Targetsets:
        depth = float(target.depth)
        Yaw = float(target.yaw)
        Pitch = float(target.pitch)
        imgPoints = target.imgPoints

current target's x-axis in a 1280*720 frame

        curr_target_x = imgPoints[0][0] + \
            (imgPoints[2][0] - imgPoints[0][0]) / 2

target with greatest credits wins in filter process;total_Credit = depth credit + angle credit

        depth_Credit = 0
        angle_Credit = 0

        """get area; distort caused large variation; failed so far"""
        dim = np.zeros(frame.shape[:2], dtype="uint8")  #(h,w)=iamge.shape[:2]
        polygon_mask = cv2.fillPoly(dim, np.array([imgPoints.astype(np.int32)]), 255)
        area = np.sum(np.greater(polygon_mask, 0))
        """Assess distance between last target & current target"""

        """Assess Depth"""
        if depth < 1800:
            depth_Credit += 5
        elif depth < 2500:
            depth_Credit += 3

        """Assess Angle"""

        if abs(Yaw) < 5 or abs(Pitch) < 10:
            angle_Credit += 100
        elif abs(Yaw) < 10 or abs(Pitch) < 15:
            angle_Credit += 3
        elif abs(Yaw) < 20 or abs(Pitch) < 20:
            angle_Credit += 2
        elif abs(Yaw) < 30 or abs(Pitch) < 30:
            angle_Credit += 1

        """evaluate score"""
        if (depth_Credit + angle_Credit) > max_Credit:
            max_Credit = (depth_Credit + angle_Credit)
            best_Target = target

    return best_Target

def clipRect(rect_xywh, size):
    x, y, w, h = rect_xywh
    clipped_x, clipped_y = min(max(x, 0), size[0]), min(max(y, 0), size[1])
    return clipped_x, clipped_y, min(max(w, 0), size[0] - clipped_x), min(max(h, 0), size[1] - clipped_y)

def findVerticesOrder(pts):
    ''' sort rectangle points by clockwise '''

sort y-axis only

    sort_x = pts[np.argsort(pts[:, 1]), :]

get top 2 [x,y]

    Bottom = sort_x[2:, :]  # bot

    Top = sort_x[:2, :]  # top

Bottom sort: Bottom[0] = bl ; Bottom[1] = br

    Bottom = Bottom[np.argsort(Bottom[:, 0]), :]

Top sort: Top[0] = tl ; Top[1] = tr

    Top = Top[np.argsort(Top[:, 0]), :]

    return np.stack([Bottom[0], Top[0], Top[1], Bottom[1]], axis=0)

def float_to_hex(f):
    ''' turn float to hex'''
    return ''.join([f'{byte:02x}' for byte in struct.pack('>f', f)])

def decimalToHexSerial(Yaw, Pitch):

turn Yaw and Pitch to IEEE 754 standard four-byte floating point representation and convert to hexadecimal string

    hex_Yaw = float_to_hex(Yaw)
    hex_Pitch = float_to_hex(Pitch)

calculate checksum

    bytes_for_checksum = struct.pack('>ff', Yaw, Pitch) # only checked Yaw & Pitch data so far
    checksum = sum(bytes_for_checksum) % 256
    hex_checksum = f'{checksum:02x}'

build hexadecimal data list

    return hex_Yaw, hex_Pitch, hex_checksum
def draw_crosshair(frame):
    height, width = frame.shape[:2]
    center_x, center_y = width // 2, height // 2
    color = (0, 255, 0)  # Green color
    thickness = 2
    size = 20
    cv2.line(frame, (center_x, center_y - size), (center_x, center_y + size), color, thickness)
    cv2.line(frame, (center_x - size, center_y), (center_x + size, center_y), color, thickness)
    return frame

def main(camera: CameraSource, target_color: TargetColor, show_stream: str):
    Important commit updates: umature pred-imu; 50 deg limit; HSV red adj; get_imu; MVS arch rebuild ---- Shiao
    cv_config = CVParams(target_color)

Create a window for CV parameters if debug mode is active

    if debug:
        cv2.namedWindow("CV Parameters")
        createTrackbarsForParams("CV Parameters", cv_config)
        cv2.resizeWindow("CV Parameters", 800, 180)

    '''Initialize variables for tracking and prediction'''

    fps = 0
    target_coor = []
    lock = False                    # Flag to indicate if the best target is found
    track_init_frame = None
    last_target_x = None
    last_target_y = None

success = False

    tracker = None
    tracking_frames = 0
    max_tracking_frames = 15        # Maximum number of frames to track

    max_history_length = 8          # Maximum number of samples for prediction

Time in seconds to predict the target's motion into the future

    prediction_future_time = 0.2
    Maximum time in seconds between history frames
    Should be long enough for a dropped frame or two,
    but not too long to group unrelated detections
    max_history_frame_delta = 0.15
    target_angle_history = []

Try to Open serial port for data transmission to STM32, if not found, continue without it

        ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200)
    except Exception as e:
        ser = None
        print(f"Failed to open serial port: {str(e)}")

    detect_success = False
    track_success = False

    while True:
        "to calculate fps"
        startTime = time.time()

        if debug:
            updateParamsFromTrackbars("CV Parameters", cv_config)

        color_image, depth_image = camera.get_frames()

color_image with crosshair

        color_image = draw_crosshair(color_image)
        """Do detection"""
        binary, frame = read_morphology(color_image, cv_config)

get the list with all potential targets' info

        potential_Targetsets = find_contours(cv_config, binary, frame, depth_image, fps)

        if potential_Targetsets: # if dectection success
            detect_success = True

filter out the best target

extract the target's position and angle

            final_Target = targetsFilter(potential_Targetsets, frame, last_target_x)

            depth = float(final_Target.depth)
            Yaw = float(final_Target.yaw)
            Pitch = float(final_Target.pitch)
            imgPoints = final_Target.imgPoints

            '''SORT tracking'''

        else: # if detection failed
            """Prepare Tracking"""

            detect_success = False
            if tracker is not None and tracking_frames < max_tracking_frames:
                tracking_frames += 1

Update tracker

                track_success, bbox = tracker.update(color_image)
                track_success = False

            """if Tracking success, Solve Angle & Draw bounding box"""
            if track_success:

Solve angle

                target_coor_width = abs(
                    int(final_Target.topRight[0]) - int(final_Target.topLeft[0]))
                target_coor_height = abs(
                    int(final_Target.topLeft[1]) - int(final_Target.bottomLeft[1]))

bbox format: (init_x,init_y,w,h)

                bbox = (final_Target.topLeft[0] - target_coor_width * 0.05, final_Target.topLeft[1], target_coor_width * 1.10,
                        target_coor_height) # to enlarge the bbox to include the whole target, for better tracking by KCF or others
                bbox = clipRect(bbox, (color_image.shape[1], color_image.shape[0])) # clip the bbox to fit the frame
                armor_tl_x = bbox[0]  # bbox = (init_x,init_y,w,h)
                armor_tl_y = bbox[1]
                armor_bl_x = bbox[0]
                armor_bl_y = bbox[1] + bbox[3]
                armor_tr_x = bbox[0] + bbox[2]
                armor_tr_y = bbox[1]
                armor_br_x = bbox[0] + bbox[2]
                armor_br_y = bbox[1] + bbox[3]
                imgPoints = np.array(
                    [[armor_bl_x, armor_bl_y], [armor_tl_x, armor_tl_y], [armor_tr_x, armor_tr_y],
                     [armor_br_x, armor_br_y]], dtype=np.float64)
                target_Dict = get_3d_target_location(
                    imgPoints, color_image, depth_image)
                final_Target.depth = target_Dict["depth"]
                final_Target.yaw = target_Dict["Yaw"]
                final_Target.pitch = target_Dict["Pitch"]
                final_Target.imgPoints = target_Dict["imgPoints"]

depth = float(tvec[2][0])

                '''draw tracking bouding boxes'''
                p1 = (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1]))
                p2 = (int(bbox[0] + bbox[2]), int(bbox[1] + bbox[3]))
                cv2.rectangle(frame, p1, p2, (0, 255, 0), 2, 1)

        if detect_success or track_success:

store the current target's x-axis, used for detection in the next round

            last_target_x = imgPoints[0][0] + \
                (imgPoints[2][0] - imgPoints[0][0])/2

            Do Prediction

            if ser is not None:
                imu_yaw, imu_pitch, imu_roll = get_imu(ser)
                print(f"imu data receive: {imu_yaw}, {imu_pitch}, {imu_roll}")
                imu_yaw, imu_pitch, imu_roll = 20,20,20  # for test

            imu_yaw *= -1.2
            imu_pitch *= -1.2
            global_yaw = imu_yaw + Yaw
            global_pitch = imu_pitch + Pitch

            cartesian_pos = (spherical_to_cartesian(global_yaw, global_pitch, depth) -

            if (-30 < Pitch < 30) and (-45 < Yaw < 45):
                cv2.line(frame, (int(imgPoints[1][0]), int(imgPoints[1][1])),
                         (int(imgPoints[3][0]), int(imgPoints[3][1])),
                         (33, 255, 255), 2)
                cv2.line(frame, (int(imgPoints[2][0]), int(imgPoints[2][1])),
                         (int(imgPoints[0][0]), int(imgPoints[0][1])),
                         (33, 255, 255), 2)
                cv2.putText(frame, str(depth), (90, 20),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])
                cv2.putText(frame, str(Yaw), (90, 50),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])
                cv2.putText(frame, str(Pitch), (90, 80),
                            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])

"""test Kalman Filter"""

X = int((imgPoints[0][0] + imgPoints[2][0]) / 2)

Y = int((imgPoints[0][1] + imgPoints[2][1]) / 2)

                current_time = time.time()
                if len(target_angle_history) < 1 or current_time - target_angle_history[-1][0] > max_history_frame_delta:
                    target_angle_history = [(current_time, *cartesian_pos)]
                    target_angle_history.append((current_time, *cartesian_pos))

                if len(target_angle_history) > max_history_length:
                    target_angle_history = target_angle_history[-max_history_length:]

                if len(target_angle_history) >= 2:
                    time_hist_array, x_hist_array, y_hist_array, z_hist_array =\
                        np.array([item[0] for item in target_angle_history]), \
                        np.array([item[1] for item in target_angle_history]), \
                        np.array([item[2] for item in target_angle_history]), \
                        np.array([item[3] for item in target_angle_history])

                    time_hist_array -= time_hist_array[0]

                    degree = 1  # if len(target_angle_history) == 2 else 2

                    weights = np.linspace(float(max_history_length) - len(
                        time_hist_array) + 1.0, float(max_history_length) + 1.0, len(time_hist_array))
                    predicted_x = poly_predict(time_hist_array, x_hist_array, degree,
                                               time_hist_array[-1] + prediction_future_time, weights=weights)
                    predicted_y = poly_predict(time_hist_array, y_hist_array, degree,
                                               time_hist_array[-1] + prediction_future_time, weights=weights)
                    predicted_z = poly_predict(time_hist_array, z_hist_array, degree,
                                               time_hist_array[-1] + prediction_future_time, weights=weights)

                    predicted_yaw, predicted_pitch, _ = cartesian_to_spherical(
                        np.array([predicted_x, predicted_y, predicted_z]))

                    set threshold to the predicted Yaw & Pitch: currently No More Than -50 or 50 degree

                    predicted_yaw, predicted_pitch = global_yaw, global_pitch

                current_point_coords = (int(active_cam_config['fx'] * math.tan(math.radians(Yaw)) + active_cam_config['cx']),
                                        int(active_cam_config['fy'] * math.tan(math.radians(-Pitch)) + active_cam_config['cy']))
                predicted_point_coords = (int(active_cam_config['fx'] * math.tan(math.radians(predicted_yaw - imu_yaw)) + active_cam_config['cx']),
                                          int(active_cam_config['fy'] * math.tan(math.radians(-(predicted_pitch - imu_pitch))) + active_cam_config['cy'])), predicted_point_coords, 4, (0, 255, 0), -1)

                cv2.line(frame, current_point_coords,
                         predicted_point_coords, (255, 255, 255), 2)
                all encoded number got plus 50 in decimal: input(Yaw or Pitch)= -50, output(in deci)= 0
                return list = [hex_int_Pitch, hex_deci_Pitch, hex_int_Yaw, hex_deci_Yaw, hex_sumAll]

                relative_pred_yaw = predicted_yaw - imu_yaw
                relative_pred_pitch = predicted_pitch - imu_pitch

                if relative_pred_pitch > 50:
                    relative_pred_pitch = 50
                elif relative_pred_pitch < -50:
                    relative_pred_pitch = -50
                if relative_pred_yaw > 50:
                    relative_pred_yaw = 50
                elif relative_pred_yaw < -50:
                    relative_pred_yaw = -50

                Yaw = np.deg2rad(Yaw)
                Pitch = np.deg2rad(Pitch)

                print(f"imu data send: {Yaw}, {Pitch}, {detect_success}")

                hex_Yaw, hex_Pitch, hex_checksum = decimalToHexSerial(
                    Yaw, Pitch)

                if ser is not None:
                        ser, hex_Yaw, hex_Pitch, hex_checksum,detect_success)


                    f"Angle(s) exceed limits: Pitch: {Pitch}, Yaw: {Yaw}")


Tracking failure

            cv2.putText(frame, "Tracking failure detected", (600, 80),
                        cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (0, 0, 255), 2)

send failure data(send 0 degree to make gimbal stop)

            if ser is not None:
                hex_Yaw, hex_Pitch, hex_checksum=decimalToHexSerial(0, 0)
                send_data(ser, hex_Yaw, hex_Pitch, hex_checksum,detect_success)
, (720, 540), 2, (255, 255, 255), -1)
        cv2.putText(frame, 'Depth: ', (20, 20),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])
        cv2.putText(frame, 'Yaw: ', (20, 50),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])
        cv2.putText(frame, 'Pitch: ', (20, 80),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])
        cv2.putText(frame, 'FPS: ', (20, 110),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])
        cv2.putText(frame, str(fps), (90, 110),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, [0, 255, 0])

        if show_stream == 'YES' or 'yes':
            cv2.imshow("original", frame)

        endtime = time.time()
        fps = 1 / (endtime - startTime)

if __name__ == "__main__":

set up argument parser

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--target-color', required=True, type=str, choices=[val.value for val in TargetColor],
                        help='The armor board light color to detect')
    parser.add_argument('--recording-source', type=pathlib.Path,
                        help='Path to input video recordings')
    parser.add_argument('--recording-dest', type=pathlib.Path,
                        help='Path to record camera video to (MP4 format)')
    parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
                        help='Show intermediate results and debug output')
    parser.add_argument('--show-stream', type=str, choices=['YES', 'NO'], default='NO' or 'no',
                        help='Display the camera stream (YES or NO)')

    args = parser.parse_args()

set up logger

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    debug: bool = args.debug
    logger.setLevel('DEBUG' if debug else 'INFO')

    args.target_color = TargetColor(args.target_color)
    num = 0  # for collecting dataset, pictures' names

choose camera params

    camera = CameraSource(camera_params['HIK MV-CS016-10UC General'], args.target_color.value,
                          recording_source=args.recording_source, recording_dest=args.recording_dest)
    active_cam_config = camera.active_cam_config
    main(camera, args.target_color, args.show_stream)